

OpenHands uses LiteLLM to make calls to chat models on Groq. You can find their full documentation on using Groq as provider here.


When running OpenHands, you'll need to set the following in the OpenHands UI through the Settings:

  • LLM Provider to Groq
  • LLM Model to the model you will be using. Visit here to see the list of models that Groq hosts. If the model is not in the list, toggle Advanced Options, and enter it in Custom Model (i.e. groq/<model-name>)
  • API key to your Groq API key. To find or create your Groq API Key, see here

Using Groq as an OpenAI-Compatible Endpoint

The Groq endpoint for chat completion is mostly OpenAI-compatible. Therefore, you can access Groq models as you would access any OpenAI-compatible endpoint. You can set the following in the OpenHands UI through the Settings:

  • Enable Advanced Options
  • Custom Model to the prefix openai/ + the model you will be using (Example: openai/llama3-8b-8192)
  • Base URL to https://api.groq.com/openai/v1
  • API Key to your Groq API key