File-related observation classes for tracking file operations.
FileReadObservation Objects
class FileReadObservation(Observation)
This data class represents the content of a file.
def message() -> str
Get a human-readable message describing the file read operation.
def __str__() -> str
Get a string representation of the file read observation.
FileWriteObservation Objects
class FileWriteObservation(Observation)
This data class represents a file write operation.
def message() -> str
Get a human-readable message describing the file write operation.
def __str__() -> str
Get a string representation of the file write observation.
FileEditObservation Objects
class FileEditObservation(Observation)
This data class represents a file edit operation.
The observation includes both the old and new content of the file, and can generate a diff visualization showing the changes. The diff is computed lazily and cached to improve performance.
The .content property can either be:
- Git diff in LLM-based editing mode
- the rendered message sent to the LLM in OH_ACI mode (e.g., "The file /path/to/file.txt is created with the provided content.")
def message() -> str
Get a human-readable message describing the file edit operation.
def get_edit_groups(n_context_lines: int = 2) -> list[dict[str, list[str]]]
Get the edit groups showing changes between old and new content.
- Number of context lines to show around each change.
A list of edit groups, where each group contains before/after edits.
def visualize_diff(n_context_lines: int = 2,
change_applied: bool = True) -> str
Visualize the diff of the file edit. Used in the LLM-based editing mode.
Instead of showing the diff line by line, this function shows each hunk of changes as a separate entity.
- Number of context lines to show before/after changes.change_applied
- Whether changes are applied. If false, shows as attempted edit.
A string containing the formatted diff visualization.
def __str__() -> str
Get a string representation of the file edit observation.