

ChangeAgentStateAction Objects

class ChangeAgentStateAction(Action)

Fake action, just to notify the client that a task state has changed.

AgentFinishAction Objects

class AgentFinishAction(Action)

An action where the agent finishes the task.


  • final_thought str - The message to send to the user.
  • task_completed enum - Whether the agent believes the task has been completed.
  • outputs dict - The other outputs of the agent, for instance "content".
  • thought str - The agent's explanation of its actions.
  • action str - The action type, namely ActionType.FINISH.

AgentThinkAction Objects

class AgentThinkAction(Action)

An action where the agent logs a thought.


  • thought str - The agent's explanation of its actions.
  • action str - The action type, namely ActionType.THINK.