

EventStream Objects

class EventStream()


def get_events(start_id: int = 0,
end_id: int | None = None,
reverse: bool = False,
filter_out_type: tuple[type[Event], ...] | None = None,
filter_hidden=False) -> Iterable[Event]

Retrieve events from the event stream, optionally filtering out events of a given type and events marked as hidden.


  • start_id - The ID of the first event to retrieve. Defaults to 0.
  • end_id - The ID of the last event to retrieve. Defaults to the last event in the stream.
  • reverse - Whether to retrieve events in reverse order. Defaults to False.
  • filter_out_type - A tuple of event types to filter out. Typically used to filter out backend events from the agent.
  • filter_hidden - If True, filters out events with the 'hidden' attribute set to True.


Events from the stream that match the criteria.


def get_matching_events(query: str | None = None,
event_type: str | None = None,
source: str | None = None,
start_date: str | None = None,
end_date: str | None = None,
start_id: int = 0,
limit: int = 100) -> list

Get matching events from the event stream based on filters.


  • query str, optional - Text to search for in event content
  • event_type str, optional - Filter by event type (e.g., "FileReadAction")
  • source str, optional - Filter by event source
  • start_date str, optional - Filter events after this date (ISO format)
  • end_date str, optional - Filter events before this date (ISO format)
  • start_id int - Starting ID in the event stream. Defaults to 0
  • limit int - Maximum number of events to return. Must be between 1 and 100. Defaults to 100


  • list - List of matching events (as dicts)


  • ValueError - If limit is less than 1 or greater than 100