


This module provides various file manipulation skills for the OpenHands agent.


  • open_file(path: str, line_number: int | None = 1, context_lines: int = 100): Opens a file and optionally moves to a specific line.
  • goto_line(line_number: int): Moves the window to show the specified line number.
  • scroll_down(): Moves the window down by the number of lines specified in WINDOW.
  • scroll_up(): Moves the window up by the number of lines specified in WINDOW.
  • create_file(filename: str): Creates and opens a new file with the given name.
  • search_dir(search_term: str, dir_path: str = './'): Searches for a term in all files in the specified directory.
  • search_file(search_term: str, file_path: str | None = None): Searches for a term in the specified file or the currently open file.
  • find_file(file_name: str, dir_path: str = './'): Finds all files with the given name in the specified directory.
  • edit_file_by_replace(file_name: str, to_replace: str, new_content: str): Replaces specific content in a file with new content.
  • insert_content_at_line(file_name: str, line_number: int, content: str): Inserts given content at the specified line number in a file.
  • append_file(file_name: str, content: str): Appends the given content to the end of the specified file.


def open_file(path: str,
line_number: int | None = 1,
context_lines: int | None = WINDOW) -> None

Opens the file at the given path in the editor. IF the file is to be edited, first use scroll_down repeatedly to read the full file! If line_number is provided, the window will be moved to include that line. It only shows the first 100 lines by default! context_lines is the max number of lines to be displayed, up to 100. Use scroll_up and scroll_down to view more content up or down.


  • path - str: The path to the file to open, preferred absolute path.
  • line_number - int | None = 1: The line number to move to. Defaults to 1.
  • context_lines - int | None = 100: Only shows this number of lines in the context window (usually from line 1), with line_number as the center (if possible). Defaults to 100.


def goto_line(line_number: int) -> None

Moves the window to show the specified line number.


  • line_number - int: The line number to move to.


def scroll_down() -> None

Moves the window down by 100 lines.




def scroll_up() -> None

Moves the window up by 100 lines.




def create_file(filename: str) -> None

Creates and opens a new file with the given name.


  • filename - str: The name of the file to create.


def edit_file_by_replace(file_name: str, to_replace: str,
new_content: str) -> None

Edit an existing file. This will search for non-empty to_replace in the given file and replace it with non-empty new_content. to_replace and new_content must be different! Split large edits into multiple smaller edits if necessary! Use append_file method for writing after create_file!

Every to_replace must EXACTLY MATCH the existing source code, character for character, including all comments, docstrings, etc.

Include enough lines to make code in to_replace unique. to_replace should NOT be empty.

For example, given a file "/workspace/example.txt" with the following content:

EDITING: If you want to replace the second occurrence of "line 2", you can make to_replace unique:

edit_file_by_replace( '/workspace/example.txt', to_replace='line 2 line 3', new_content='new line line 3', )

This will replace only the second "line 2" with "new line". The first "line 2" will remain unchanged.

The resulting file will be:

REMOVAL: If you want to remove "line 2" and "line 3", you can set new_content to an empty string:

edit_file_by_replace( '/workspace/example.txt', to_replace='line 2 line 3', new_content='', )

new_content0 new_content1


  • new_content2 - str: The name of the file to edit.
  • to_replace - str: The content to search for and replace.
  • new_content - str: The new content to replace the old content with.


def insert_content_at_line(file_name: str, line_number: int,
content: str) -> None

Insert content at the given line number in a file. This will NOT modify the content of the lines before OR after the given line number.

For example, if the file has the following content: and you call insert_content_at_line('file.txt', 2, 'new line'), the file will be updated to:

line 1
line 2
line 3
line 1
new line
line 2
line 3


  • file_name - str: The name of the file to edit.
  • line_number - int: The line number (starting from 1) to insert the content after.
  • content - str: The content to insert.


def append_file(file_name: str, content: str) -> None

Append content to the given file. It appends text content to the end of the specified file, ideal after a create_file!


  • file_name - str: The name of the file to edit.
  • content - str: The content to insert.


def search_dir(search_term: str, dir_path: str = './') -> None

Searches for search_term in all files in dir. If dir is not provided, searches in the current directory.


  • search_term - str: The term to search for.
  • dir_path - str: The path to the directory to search.


def search_file(search_term: str, file_path: str | None = None) -> None

Searches for search_term in file. If file is not provided, searches in the current open file.


  • search_term - str: The term to search for.
  • file_path - str | None: The path to the file to search.


def find_file(file_name: str, dir_path: str = './') -> None

Finds all files with the given name in the specified directory.


  • file_name - str: The name of the file to find.
  • dir_path - str: The path to the directory to search.