


async def run_controller(config: AppConfig,
initial_user_action: Action,
sid: str | None = None,
runtime: Runtime | None = None,
agent: Agent | None = None,
exit_on_message: bool = False,
fake_user_response_fn: FakeUserResponseFunc
| None = None,
headless_mode: bool = True) -> State | None

Main coroutine to run the agent controller with task input flexibility.

It's only used when you launch openhands backend directly via cmdline.


  • config - The app config.
  • initial_user_action - An Action object containing initial user input
  • sid - (optional) The session id. IMPORTANT: please don't set this unless you know what you're doing. Set it to incompatible value will cause unexpected behavior on RemoteRuntime.
  • runtime - (optional) A runtime for the agent to run on.
  • agent - (optional) A agent to run.
  • exit_on_message - quit if agent asks for a message from user (optional)
  • fake_user_response_fn - An optional function that receives the current state (could be None) and returns a fake user response.
  • headless_mode - Whether the agent is run in headless mode.


The final state of the agent, or None if an error occurred.


  • AssertionError - If initial_user_action is not an Action instance.
  • Exception - Various exceptions may be raised during execution and will be logged.


  • State persistence: If config.file_store is set, the agent's state will be saved between sessions.
  • Trajectories: If config.trajectories_path is set, execution history will be saved as JSON for analysis.
  • Budget control: Execution is limited by config.max_iterations and config.max_budget_per_task.


>>> config = load_app_config() >>> action = MessageAction(content="Write a hello world program") >>> state = await run_controller(config=config, initial_user_action=action)


def auto_continue_response(
state: State,
encapsulate_solution: bool = False,
try_parse: Callable[[Action | None], str] | None = None) -> str

Default function to generate user responses. Tell the agent to proceed without asking for more input, or finish the interaction.


def load_replay_log(trajectory_path: str) -> tuple[list[Event] | None, Action]

Load trajectory from given path, serialize it to a list of events, and return two things:

  1. A list of events except the first action
  2. First action (user message, a.k.a. initial task)