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OpenHands uses LiteLLM for completion calls. You can find their documentation on Azure here.

Azure OpenAI Configuration

When running OpenHands, you'll need to set the following environment variable using -e in the docker run command:

LLM_API_VERSION="<api-version>"              # e.g. "2023-05-15"


docker run -it --pull=always \
-e LLM_API_VERSION="2023-05-15"

Then set the following in the OpenHands UI through the Settings:


You will need your ChatGPT deployment name which can be found on the deployments page in Azure. This is referenced as <deployment-name> below.

  • Enable Advanced Options
  • Custom Model to azure/<deployment-name>
  • Base URL to your Azure API Base URL (Example:
  • API Key to your Azure API key


OpenHands uses llama-index for embeddings. You can find their documentation on Azure here.

Azure OpenAI Configuration

When running OpenHands, set the following environment variables using -e in the docker run command:

LLM_EMBEDDING_DEPLOYMENT_NAME="<your-embedding-deployment-name>" # e.g. "TextEmbedding...<etc>"
LLM_API_VERSION="<api-version>" # e.g. "2024-02-15-preview"