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๐Ÿค– LLM Backends

OpenDevin can work with any LLM backend. For a full list of the LM providers and models available, please consult the litellm documentation.


OpenDevin will issue many prompts to the LLM you configure. Most of these LLMs cost money--be sure to set spending limits and monitor usage.

The LLM_MODEL environment variable controls which model is used in programmatic interactions. But when using the OpenDevin UI, you'll need to choose your model in the settings window.

The following environment variables might be necessary for some LLMs:


We have a few guides for running OpenDevin with specific model providers:

If you're using another provider, we encourage you to open a PR to share your setup!

Note on Alternative Modelsโ€‹

The best models are GPT-4 and Claude 3. Current local and open source models are not nearly as powerful. When using an alternative model, you may see long wait times between messages, poor responses, or errors about malformed JSON. OpenDevin can only be as powerful as the models driving it--fortunately folks on our team are actively working on building better open source models!

API retries and rate limitsโ€‹

Some LLMs have rate limits and may require retries. OpenDevin will automatically retry requests if it receives a 429 error or API connection error. You can set LLM_NUM_RETRIES, LLM_RETRY_MIN_WAIT, LLM_RETRY_MAX_WAIT environment variables to control the number of retries and the time between retries. By default, LLM_NUM_RETRIES is 5 and LLM_RETRY_MIN_WAIT, LLM_RETRY_MAX_WAIT are 3 seconds and 60 seconds respectively.