OperationCancelled Objects
class OperationCancelled(Exception)
Exception raised when an operation is cancelled (e.g. by a keyboard interrupt).
CloudFlareBlockageError Objects
class CloudFlareBlockageError(Exception)
Exception raised when a request is blocked by CloudFlare.
FunctionCallConversionError Objects
class FunctionCallConversionError(Exception)
Exception raised when FunctionCallingConverter failed to convert a non-function call message to a function call message.
This typically happens when there's a malformed message (e.g., missing <function=...> tags). But not due to LLM output.
FunctionCallValidationError Objects
class FunctionCallValidationError(Exception)
Exception raised when FunctionCallingConverter failed to validate a function call message.
This typically happens when the LLM outputs unrecognized function call / parameter names / values.
FunctionCallNotExistsError Objects
class FunctionCallNotExistsError(Exception)
Exception raised when an LLM call a tool that is not registered.