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AgentController Objects

class AgentController()


def __init__(agent: Agent,
event_stream: EventStream,
max_iterations: int,
max_budget_per_task: float | None = None,
agent_to_llm_config: dict[str, LLMConfig] | None = None,
agent_configs: dict[str, AgentConfig] | None = None,
sid: str = 'default',
confirmation_mode: bool = False,
initial_state: State | None = None,
is_delegate: bool = False,
headless_mode: bool = True)

Initializes a new instance of the AgentController class.


  • agent - The agent instance to control.
  • event_stream - The event stream to publish events to.
  • max_iterations - The maximum number of iterations the agent can run.
  • max_budget_per_task - The maximum budget (in USD) allowed per task, beyond which the agent will stop.
  • agent_to_llm_config - A dictionary mapping agent names to LLM configurations in the case that we delegate to a different agent.
  • agent_configs - A dictionary mapping agent names to agent configurations in the case that we delegate to a different agent.
  • sid - The session ID of the agent.
  • initial_state - The initial state of the controller.
  • is_delegate - Whether this controller is a delegate.
  • headless_mode - Whether the agent is run in headless mode.


async def close()

Closes the agent controller, canceling any ongoing tasks and unsubscribing from the event stream.


async def report_error(message: str, exception: Exception | None = None)

Reports an error to the user and sends the exception to the LLM next step, in the hope it can self-correct.

This method should be called for a particular type of errors, which have:

  • a user-friendly message, which will be shown in the chat box. This should not be a raw exception message.
  • an ErrorObservation that can be sent to the LLM by the agent, with the exception message, so it can self-correct next time.


async def start_step_loop()

The main loop for the agent's step-by-step execution.


async def on_event(event: Event)

Callback from the event stream. Notifies the controller of incoming events.


  • event Event - The incoming event to process.


def reset_task()

Resets the agent's task.


async def set_agent_state_to(new_state: AgentState)

Updates the agent's state and handles side effects. Can emit events to the event stream.


  • new_state AgentState - The new state to set for the agent.


def get_agent_state()

Returns the current state of the agent.


  • AgentState - The current state of the agent.


async def start_delegate(action: AgentDelegateAction)

Start a delegate agent to handle a subtask.

OpenHands is a multi-agentic system. A task is a conversation between OpenHands (the whole system) and the user, which might involve one or more inputs from the user. It starts with an initial input (typically a task statement) from the user, and ends with either an AgentFinishAction initiated by the agent, a stop initiated by the user, or an error.

A subtask is a conversation between an agent and the user, or another agent. If a task is conducted by a single agent, then it's also a subtask. Otherwise, a task consists of multiple subtasks, each executed by one agent.


  • action AgentDelegateAction - The action containing information about the delegate agent to start.


def get_state()

Returns the current running state object.


  • State - The current state object.


def set_initial_state(state: State | None,
max_iterations: int,
confirmation_mode: bool = False)

Sets the initial state for the agent, either from the previous session, or from a parent agent, or by creating a new one.


  • state - The state to initialize with, or None to create a new state.
  • max_iterations - The maximum number of iterations allowed for the task.
  • confirmation_mode - Whether to enable confirmation mode.