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OpenHands uses LiteLLM to make calls to OpenAI's chat models. You can find their full documentation on OpenAI chat calls here.


When running OpenHands, you'll need to set the following in the OpenHands UI through the Settings:

Using OpenAI-Compatible Endpoints

Just as for OpenAI Chat completions, we use LiteLLM for OpenAI-compatible endpoints. You can find their full documentation on this topic here.

Using an OpenAI Proxy

If you're using an OpenAI proxy, you'll need to set the following in the OpenHands UI through the Settings:

  • Enable Advanced Options
  • Custom Model to openai/<model-name> (i.e.: openai/gpt-4o or openai/<proxy-prefix>/<model-name>)
  • Base URL to the URL of your OpenAI proxy
  • API Key to your OpenAI API key