Docker Runtime
This is the default Runtime that's used when you start OpenHands.
from nikolaik is a pre-built runtime image
that contains our Runtime server, as well as some basic utilities for Python and NodeJS.
You can also build your own runtime image.
Connecting to Your filesystem
One useful feature here is the ability to connect to your local filesystem. To mount your filesystem into the runtime:
:export WORKSPACE_BASE=/path/to/your/code
# Linux and Mac Example
# export WORKSPACE_BASE=$HOME/OpenHands
# Will set $WORKSPACE_BASE to /home/<username>/OpenHands
# WSL on Windows Example
# export WORKSPACE_BASE=/mnt/c/dev/OpenHands
# Will set $WORKSPACE_BASE to C:\dev\OpenHands -
Add the following options to the
docker run
command:docker run # ...
-e SANDBOX_USER_ID=$(id -u) \
-v $WORKSPACE_BASE:/opt/workspace_base \
# ...
Be careful! There's nothing stopping the OpenHands agent from deleting or modifying any files that are mounted into its workspace.
This setup can cause some issues with file permissions (hence the SANDBOX_USER_ID
but seems to work well on most systems.
Hardened Docker Installation
When deploying OpenHands in environments where security is a priority, you should consider implementing a hardened Docker configuration. This section provides recommendations for securing your OpenHands Docker deployment beyond the default configuration.
Security Considerations
The default Docker configuration in the README is designed for ease of use on a local development machine. If you're running on a public network (e.g. airport WiFi), you should implement additional security measures.
Network Binding Security
By default, OpenHands binds to all network interfaces (
), which can expose your instance to all networks the host is connected to. For a more secure setup:
Restrict Network Binding:
Use the
configuration to restrict which network interfaces OpenHands listens on:docker run # ...
# ...This configuration ensures OpenHands only listens on the loopback interface (
), making it accessible only from the local machine. -
Secure Port Binding:
Modify the
flag to bind only to localhost instead of all interfaces:docker run # ... \
-p \This ensures that the OpenHands web interface is only accessible from the local machine, not from other machines on the network.
Network Isolation
Use Docker's network features to isolate OpenHands:
# Create an isolated network
docker network create openhands-network
# Run OpenHands in the isolated network
docker run # ... \
--network openhands-network \