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RepositoryInfo Objects

class RepositoryInfo()

Information about a GitHub repository that has been cloned.

PromptManager Objects

class PromptManager()

Manages prompt templates and micro-agents for AI interactions.

This class handles loading and rendering of system and user prompt templates, as well as loading micro-agent specifications. It provides methods to access rendered system and initial user messages for AI interactions.


  • prompt_dir str - Directory containing prompt templates.
  • microagent_dir str - Directory containing microagent specifications.
  • disabled_microagents list[str] | None - List of microagents to disable. If None, all microagents are enabled.


def load_microagents(microagents: list[BaseMicroAgent]) -> None

Load microagents from a list of BaseMicroAgents.

This is typically used when loading microagents from inside a repo.


def set_repository_info(repo_name: str, repo_directory: str) -> None

Sets information about the GitHub repository that has been cloned.


  • repo_name - The name of the GitHub repository (e.g. 'owner/repo')
  • repo_directory - The directory where the repository has been cloned


def get_example_user_message() -> str

This is the initial user message provided to the agent before actual user instructions are provided.

It is used to provide a demonstration of how the agent should behave in order to solve the user's task. And it may optionally contain some additional context about the user's task. These additional context will convert the current generic agent into a more specialized agent that is tailored to the user's task.


def enhance_message(message: Message) -> None

Enhance the user message with additional context.

This method is used to enhance the user message with additional context about the user's task. The additional context will convert the current generic agent into a more specialized agent that is tailored to the user's task.


def add_examples_to_initial_message(message: Message) -> None

Add example_message to the first user message.


def add_info_to_initial_message(message: Message) -> None

Adds information about the repository and runtime to the initial user message.


  • message - The initial user message to add information to.


def build_microagent_info(triggered_agents: list[dict]) -> str

Renders the microagent info template with the triggered agents.


  • triggered_agents - A list of dictionaries, each containing an "agent" (KnowledgeMicroAgent) and a "trigger_word" (str).