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ServiceContextPR Objects

class ServiceContextPR(ServiceContext)


def guess_success(
issue: Issue,
history: list[Event],
git_patch: str | None = None) -> tuple[bool, None | list[bool], str]

Guess if the issue is fixed based on the history, issue description and git patch.


  • issue - The issue to check
  • history - The agent's history
  • git_patch - Optional git patch showing the changes made


def get_instruction(
issue: Issue,
prompt_template: str,
repo_instruction: str | None = None) -> tuple[str, list[str]]

Generate instruction for the agent.

ServiceContextIssue Objects

class ServiceContextIssue(ServiceContext)


def get_instruction(
issue: Issue,
prompt_template: str,
repo_instruction: str | None = None) -> tuple[str, list[str]]

Generate instruction for the agent.


def guess_success(
issue: Issue,
history: list[Event],
git_patch: str | None = None) -> tuple[bool, None | list[bool], str]

Guess if the issue is fixed based on the history and the issue description.


  • issue - The issue to check
  • history - The agent's history
  • git_patch - Optional git patch showing the changes made