AppConfig Objects
class AppConfig()
Configuration for the app.
- A dictionary of name -> LLM configuration. Default config is under 'llm' key.agents
- A dictionary of name -> Agent configuration. Default config is under 'agent' key.default_agent
- The name of the default agent to use.sandbox
- The sandbox configuration.runtime
- The runtime environment.file_store
- The file store to use.file_store_path
- The path to the file store.trajectories_path
- The folder path to store trajectories.workspace_base
- The base path for the workspace. Defaults to ./workspace as an absolute path.workspace_mount_path
- The path to mount the workspace. This is set to the workspace base by default.agents
0 - The path to mount the workspace in the sandbox. Defaults to /workspace.agents
1 - The path to rewrite the workspace mount path to.agents
2 - The path to the cache directory. Defaults to /tmp/cache.agents
3 - Whether to run as openhands.agents
4 - The maximum number of iterations.agents
5 - The maximum budget allowed per task, beyond which the agent will stop.agents
6 - The E2B API key.agents
7 - Whether to disable color. For terminals that don't support color.agents
8 - Whether to enable debugging.agents
9 - Maximum file size for uploads in megabytes. 0 means no limit.default_agent
0 - Whether to restrict file types for file uploads. Defaults to False.default_agent
1 - List of allowed file extensions for uploads. ['.*'] means all extensions are allowed.
def get_llm_config(name='llm') -> LLMConfig
Llm is the name for default config (for backward compatibility prior to 0.8)
def get_agent_config(name='agent') -> AgentConfig
Agent is the name for default config (for backward compability prior to 0.8)
def get_agent_to_llm_config_map() -> dict[str, LLMConfig]
Get a map of agent names to llm configs.
def __post_init__()
Post-initialization hook, called when the instance is created with only default values.
def defaults_to_dict() -> dict
Serialize fields to a dict for the frontend, including type hints, defaults, and whether it's optional.