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Frequently Asked Questions
What is OpenDevin?

OpenDevin is an autonomous software engineer that can solve software engineering and web-browsing tasks end-to-end. It can perform data science queries, such as "Find the number of pull requests to the OpenDevin repository in the last month," and software engineering tasks, such as "Please add tests to this file and verify that all the tests pass. If they don't fix the file."

At the same time, OpenDevin is a platform and community for agent developers to test out and evaluate new agents.

Please file a bug on GitHub if you notice a problem that likely affects others. If you're having trouble installing, or have general questions, reach out on Discord or Slack.
How to fix a GitHub issue with OpenDevin?
To fix an issue on GitHub using OpenDevin, send a prompt to OpenDevin asking it to follow steps like the following:
  1. Read the issue
  2. Clone the repository and check out a new branch
  3. Based on the instructions in the issue description, modify files to fix the issue
  4. Push the resulting output to GitHub using the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable
  5. Tell me the link that I need to go to to send a pull request
Before you run OpenDevin, you can do:
where XXX is a GitHub token that you created that has permissions to push to the OpenDevin repo. If you don’t have write permission to the OpenDevin repo, you might need to change that to:
Push the resulting output to my fork at using the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable
where USERNAME is your GitHub username.
How is OpenDevin different from Devin?

Devin is a commercial product by Cognition Inc., that served as the initial inspiration for OpenDevin. They both aim to do a good job at solving software engineering tasks, but OpenDevin you can download, use, and modify, while Devin you can only use through the Cognition site. In addition, OpenDevin has evolved beyond the initial inspiration, and now serves as a community-driven ecosystem for agent development in general, and we'd love to have you join andcontribute!

How is OpenDevin different from ChatGPT?

ChatGPT you can access online, it does not interface with local files, and its ability to execute code is limited. So it can write code, but it is not easy to test or execute it.