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๐Ÿง  Agents and Capabilities

CodeAct Agentโ€‹


This agent implements the CodeAct idea (paper, tweet) that consolidates LLM agentsโ€™ actions into a unified code action space for both simplicity and performance (see paper for more details).

The conceptual idea is illustrated below. At each turn, the agent can:

  1. Converse: Communicate with humans in natural language to ask for clarification, confirmation, etc.
  2. CodeAct: Choose to perform the task by executing code
  • Execute any valid Linux bash command
  • Execute any valid Python code with an interactive Python interpreter. This is simulated through bash command, see plugin system below for more details.


Plugin Systemโ€‹

To make the CodeAct agent more powerful with only access to bash action space, CodeAct agent leverages OpenDevin's plugin system:


Example of CodeActAgent with gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09 performing a data science task (linear regression)


Action, CmdRunAction, IPythonRunCellAction, AgentEchoAction, AgentFinishAction, AgentTalkAction


CmdOutputObservation, IPythonRunCellObservation, AgentMessageObservation, UserMessageObservation


__init__Initializes an agent with llm and a list of messages list[Mapping[str, str]]
stepPerforms one step using the CodeAct Agent. This includes gathering info on previous steps and prompting the model to make a command to execute.
search_memoryNot yet implemented

Monologue Agentโ€‹


The Monologue Agent utilizes long and short term memory to complete tasks. Long term memory is stored as a LongTermMemory object and the model uses it to search for examples from the past. Short term memory is stored as a Monologue object and the model can condense it as necessary.


Action, NullAction, CmdRunAction, FileWriteAction, FileReadAction, AgentRecallAction, BrowseURLAction, GithubPushAction, AgentThinkAction


Observation, NullObservation, CmdOutputObservation, FileReadObservation, AgentRecallObservation, BrowserOutputObservation


__init__Initializes the agent with a long term memory, and an internal monologue
_add_eventAppends events to the monologue of the agent and condenses with summary automatically if the monologue is too long
_initializeUtilizes the INITIAL_THOUGHTS list to give the agent a context for its capabilities and how to navigate the /workspace
stepModifies the current state by adding the most recent actions and observations, then prompts the model to think about its next action to take.
search_memoryUses VectorIndexRetriever to find related memories within the long term memory.

Planner Agentโ€‹


The planner agent utilizes a special prompting strategy to create long term plans for solving problems. The agent is given its previous action-observation pairs, current task, and hint based on last action taken at every step.


NullAction, CmdRunAction, CmdKillAction, BrowseURLAction, GithubPushAction, FileReadAction, FileWriteAction, AgentRecallAction, AgentThinkAction, AgentFinishAction, AgentSummarizeAction, AddTaskAction, ModifyTaskAction,


Observation, NullObservation, CmdOutputObservation, FileReadObservation, AgentRecallObservation, BrowserOutputObservation


__init__Initializes an agent with llm
stepChecks to see if current step is completed, returns AgentFinishAction if True. Otherwise, creates a plan prompt and sends to model for inference, adding the result as the next action.
search_memoryNot yet implemented